Tourism Information Bicycles


I’m interested to hear from any destination that has introduced a tourism information bike or bikes.  I also thought that others might just be interested in the idea? Examples can be found at: and at:

If you do use them, then the points I am interested in clarifying include:

  • Where did you source your bike(s) & get it branded?
  • Costings and resources?
  • How and where do/did you use it/them?
  • Transportation and logistical  issues?
  • Other issues and pitfalls?
  • What worked and, more importantly perhaps, what didn’t work?

(Please reply direct to Janice by email using the hyperlink below or, preferably, by using the forum reply facility “sharing your thoughts and comments” ,also below, so that other colleagues can benefit directly from your contributions).

Many thanks


Janice Fraser 

Tourism Development & Marketing Officer

Planning & Regeneration

Adur & Worthing Councils

2 thoughts on “Tourism Information Bicycles

    […] Tourism Information Bicycles […]

    Neil McCollum said:
    August 29, 2014 at 8:41 am

    Janice, the bikes in the flickr picture were developed and managed by Sharon Chou at the South Bank Employers Group in London. Not sure if they still have them as I think they only had funding for a couple of years. Sharon is now with the Southbank Centre but can probably help with information or point you in the right direction. Her linkedin profile is

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